Using advanced mathematical optimization tools, such as non-linear generalized reduced gradients and evolutionary algorithms, we developed methodology for pumps and blowers operation optimization.

Our optimization service includes:

  • Providing recommendations for the most energy efficient start/stop schedule for each pump/blower with and without variable frequency drives (VFD)
  • Providing recommendations for the most energy efficient correlation between pump/blower station flow and speed of each pump/blower equipped with VFD
  • Providing algorithms for pump/blower automation based on optimization recommendations and reliability rules
  • Helping design engineers to select the most energy efficient combination of pumps or blowers for the entire range of flows
  • Helping to determine cost-efficiency of VFD

Pump/Blower Optimization Flyer

Optimization of start/stop schedule and speeds of the VFD motors at just one pump station saved more than $50,000 in energy bills (30% reduction) and considerably reduced carbon footprint of that facility.

Contact us  to discuss energy saving opportunities for your pump and/or blower stations


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